

Village Nagawan of Karpi, Arwal comes under state BIHAR. This is situated 14 kms far from city ARWAL. Total Population of Village is 2383 and household count is 430. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has Non Government Medical facilities Out Patient. Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, River/Canal. Waste water flows by open Drainage.

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Village Nagawan of Nagar Nausa, Nalanda comes under state BIHAR. This is situated 31 kms far from city BIHARSHARIF. Total Population of Village is 439 and household count is 76. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, Govt Middle, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has Non Government Medical facilities Out Patient. Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump. Waste water flows by open Drainage.

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Village Nagawan of Dabra (Pichhore), Gwalior comes under state MADHYA PR. This is situated 25 kms far from city PICHHORE. Total Population of Village is 278 and household count is 55. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has Mobile Health Clinic. Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump. Waste water flows by open Drainage.

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Village Nagawan of Nizamabad, Azamgarh comes under state UTTAR PRADESH. This is situated 7 kms far from city AZAMGARH. Total Population of Village is 2067 and household count is 227. For Education Village has facility of Govt Primary, school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Uncovered Well, Hand Pump, Tube Wells/Borehole, Tank/Pond/Lake. Waste water flows by open Drainage.

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Village Nagawan of Manendragarh, Koriya comes under state CHHATTISGARH. This is situated 44 kms far from city MANENDRAGARH. Total Population of Village is 53 and household count is 12. For Education Village has facility of school.For higher education village also has .Village also has nearby education facility of .For health care village also has .Nearest water sources are Hand Pump, Spring, River/Canal. Waste water flows by no Drainage on the streets.

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